Monday, March 11, 2013

WWI Part 2

In your blog  
1) List the reasons why the US entered the WWII
They entered because:
The German U-Boats entered the war,the  Transatlantic Cable was cut, the Vigilancia  sunk, the Lusitania sunk, the Illinois sunk, the Sussex sunk, and the Zimmerman Telegram was intercepted.

Various Ships Sinking
(Except Lusitania)
Sussex Pledge
Russian Revolution
2) Choose which cartoon best describes each reason
New Weapons: German U-Boats
Zimmerman Telegram Interception
Transatlantic Cable Cut

3) One cartoon is missing, please explain why that event lead to the US war.
The cartoon of the Lusitania is missing, this event lead to the US breaking their neutrality because there were innocent US citizens on that ship who lost their lives.  The fact that a German U-boat was responsible may have also played a part in the US's anger since the US saw the U-Boats as cowardly.

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